Genealogy Page for The Carrick /Kerrick Surname

Quick links for this page:

Surname Interests
Jane Carrick Uttley's Bible
John Carrick's Will
Walter Kerrick's Will
Carrick GEDCOM
A Texas Cemetery
WWW Links for the Name CARRICK
GenServ report for the Name CARRICK
Genealogy Links for Ayrshire & Dumfies & Galloway
Images of CARRICK's & the Carrick District Tartan! 

By the way, that background is a Carrick Bend (knot).

CARRICK/KERRICK (etc.) genealogy mailing list.

Interested in CARRICK family genealogies? Join our mailing list! We used to have a list on Listbot, but Microsoft bought them out and discontinued the free service. We have moved the list to Rootsweb. You can join this list by going here

Surnames :

for these names from any time:

CARRICK especially OK or TX [>1860], TN [1790-1860], KY [1760-1800], and PA or MD [1700-1850].

I am thinking about creating a One Name study of the Carrick/Kerrick Surname. I would be interested in receiving any material related to these names. I can receive your emails and/or GEDCOM files via Email: gilcarrick AT and via snail mail at 1012 Portofino Dr., Arlington, TX 76012.

GAMBLE DE, County Antrim NI



Interest in these families for births prior to about 1900, generally in the same areas as those listed above:

Jane Carrick Uttley's Bible

I have been entrusted with a bible that belonged to Jane Carrick Uttley. It lists birthdays for her and several of her siblings. They are not directly in my line. I would be pleased to forward this bible to anyone who can convince me that they are related to Jane.

John Carrick's Will

A transcription of the will of our oldest known direct CARRICK ancestor is here: The will of John Carrick, b. 1712, d. 1812 Gettysburgh, Adams Co., PA. 

Walter Kerrick's Will

A TIF image of the Will of Walter Kerrick. (This image is 463KB and is in Latin!) Walter's Will

If you can translate and/or transcribe this will please let us know. It is very short. 

If you are interested in

gravesites in Texas,

I have researched a virtually abandoned cemetery in South Anderson Co., right on the boundary with Houston Co. I now think it is the Kyle Cemetery. For a list of the headstones:

South Anderson Co. Cemetery 

I have no other knowledge of families or cemeteries in this area, so don't email me with questions about them. This cemetery lies on property next to ours. It is difficult to find and to get to, so I just documented it for people looking for this specific place.

Here's a CARRICK GEDCOM file:

all the CARRICKs in our database.

This is a 200KB + ASCII file. If you can't use a GEDCOM file or especially if you don't know what one is, please email Gil & tell me the lines you are interested in. I can easily email you some Descendancy charts in ASCII format. 

Here's a CARRICK GenServ list:

all the CARRICKs in their database (except mine).

This is about a 70KB + ASCII file. I hope that this isn't a violation of their copyright. I am sure someone will let me know if they have a problem with my posting this here. Hope it helps you. The records are about 140 characters long. You can readily print it on 8.5 x 11" paper if you use landscape mode and a fixed font size of 8. 

Our Carrick Family Book

Here is a book outlining what I think I know about our Carrick family line. It is in RTF format, so you should be able to open it with most any word processing software.

The Ayrshire Page

where our CARRICK's almost certainly migrated from originally.

The Carrick District Home Page

more specifically where our CARRICK's almost certainly migrated from originally. This site has the CARRICK District Tartan JPEG as well. (They say it's 400Kb, but it's only about 150.)

The Dumfries & Galloway Page

where our LITTLE's probably migrated from originally. - Oops. This link is broken. Dang.

Both of these groups have mailing lists as well.

This is a picture of a Carrick Mat (a type of knot.) It was used on ships to make mats for steps and other slippery spots.

Carrick Mat